the body project

denver boudoir photographer

My mission is to honor the body you are in, the body that takes you through this life and deserves to be celebrated.

Embrace yourself no matter your shape, age, or size. No matter the scars, stretch marks, rolls, and folds.

You deserve to be captured just as you are, stripped down from all the fuss and excuses to show the real YOU! You deserve to feel beautiful in your skin and to feel confident like the work of art that you are.

be part of a movement

“I have struggled with having confidence in my own skin and it’s something that I’m always working on!”

“I want each image to really mean something, reveal something, or celebrate something about us as individuals to create meaningful and beautiful images.”

what is included?

  • A body project prep guide as well as a wellness guide

  • A fully guided studio session (1hr)

  • Immediate gallery reveal following your session

  • Although the emphasis is on natural raw beauty, you are welcome to do your makeup as you wish or if you want pro hair and makeup, I can arrange for that service on the day of your session for an additional cost.

  • A complimentary image. You can purchase more once you’ve seen your images at the gallery reveal.

  • COST TO BOOK: $250

let’s connect!

Please fill out the form and we’ll find a time to meet and go over further details.

“We are all the super model in our own life. I’m excited to look back on times like this when my body was more able. This is a way to memorialize today.”

“I’ve been having a hard time learning to love my postpartum body, but I’m working really hard on acceptance and appreciation for everything it has done”

“I've been wanting to do a boudoir shoot but am not feeling 100% "sexy" enough. I love the idea of the Body Project and as a mother of a 22 year old daughter, I want to be able to practice what I preach in feeling confident in your body and the story it has told.”

 “I love the idea of just celebrating being normal. I think that message is so important. Also, personally, I don’t have a lot of self-confidence and I think this could help me appreciate myself as I am. Plus, I’ve always wanted to do boudoir :)”

 “Just want to get out of my comfort zone and embrace my femininity”